To publish your e-show to your Alive e-Show Server

  1. From the File menu, choose Publish to Web.

    The Publish to Web wizard begins.

  2. Select To an Alive e-Show Server.
  3. Type the fully-qualified URL to your Alive e-Show Server directory.

    The URL you specify must contain the http:// protocol. For example, e-Show/.

  4. In the Group box, type the e-show group that this e-show belongs to or use the drop down list to select an existing group.

    The e-show group enables you to categorize your e-shows within the catalog.

  5. Click Finish to publish your e-show.

After clicking Finish, your e-show will be copied to the specified Web site and the catalog is updated with your new e-show listed in the specified group. If the group that you typed does not exist, a new group will be created in the catalog.

Anybody with access to this Web page can now view your e-show.

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